
Working From Home (WFH)

Working From Home (WFH)

Many people have never really contemplated working from home before. Many people don’t think it’s possible, or it will be painfully slow, or some vital tools won’t be available. Of course, for some that’s true but for many of us it’s entirely possible to work from home without any negative effect on our work.

The staff here at OMSUK have been routinely working from home on occasion for years and for the last week we’ve all been doing so full time. We don’t feel we’ve had any issues because we’ve planned well and put measures in place. We can help you do that too.

5 Tips To Make Your Mac Safer

Working on a Mac in inherently safer than working on a PC, but that doesn't mean we can't make our Macs safer. Here are 5 tips to help you do just that:

Set a good password

It sounds simple, but how many of you don't have a password? Is it 123? Is it your username? Password? Blank? Setting a good password is the first stage to making your Mac safer. Just open System Preferences, then Security & Privacy and choose Change Password...

While you're in there, it's a good idea to Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins. Why wouldn't you?

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